This is what I woke up to this morning.. What the FUCK!!! You can't have anything nice without someone fuckin with it. This is the biggest bunch of shit.. I hope whoever did this rots in hell while the fleas of a million camels infest their pubic area!
I was born, raised and still live in southern California where my family has been for a few generations now. As far back as I can remember I always wanted to be an artist, specifically a graphic designer, so when I got the opportunity I jumped on it. Working long nights in a small print shop was only the begining. Without any formal training or schooling and just a hell of a lot of hard work and determination, I was able to land a design job at an advertising agency. It was there that I really started to hone my skills and realized that I wanted to work for myself and call my own shots. I never was very good at taking orders.