Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tony Alva - A true inspiration

Pass The Bucket with Tony Alva from Off The Wall TV on Vimeo.

Considered to be one of the the most influential skateboarders of all time, Tony Alva, an original Z-Boy, hit a bottom 4 years ago battling drug addiction and alcoholism. There, at his lowest point, his reliance on successes and ego came into perspective for the first time. Tony's fight for sobriety and truth has recently lead him to a new perspective on life and direction moving forward. Dedicated to giving back Tony now see's passing the bucket as the only way out. 

For more information on how you can help support the children go to www.CHLA.org

Directed & Edited by Eliot Rausch

Music by:
SK Nava "Prognosis Negative
Russian Circles "Hexed All"
Moving Mountains "The Earth and the Sun"

Monday, April 11, 2011

A Real Inspiration

You dont have to be involved in extreme sports to be inspired by Stephen Murray and his story. Accidents like this can happen to anyone. This guy has an incredible outlook on things considering his situation.

Almost four years ago, the life of professional BMX rider and 3-time U.S. gold medalist Stephen Murray was thrown a proverbial curve ball. At the BMX Dirt Finals of the Dew Actions Sport Tour in Baltimore, Maryland, a double back flip would ultimately go on to paralyze Murray from the neck down. In this Pass the Bucket with Vans, Stephen Murray provides an inspiration story of coping with being paralyzed and his new outlook on life which enables him to carry out and maintain a fruitful life. Following his injury, Murray started up his foundation, “Stay Strong” which can be seen here.