Thursday, October 11, 2007

Nasty with a capital N!

So I go in to the bathroom this morning, blow my nose and flush it down the toilet only to have the toilet back up and fill with "poo-water". It was totally nasty. I tried plunging it a lot this morning but had to leave to go to work and figured I would just deal with it when I got home. At work I jokingly said, "Watch, when I get home my downstairs is going to be flooded." Sure enough. I get home and find water dripping from the ceiling. FUCK! I called Roto-Rooter and thats where it gets real nasty. The guy shows up and assesses the situation, goes out to his truck and comes back in with a snake, 1 rubber glove and 1 leather glove... As he puts on the latex glove he explains how he doesn't really get too many infections or sick that much any more and proceeds to shove his hands into the toilet full of "poo-water"! What the hell was the one glove for? At this point there is "poo-water" splashing on all of the walls and worst of all, all over the guy. I saw him a few times wipe his forehead with his shoulder like he was sweating but I know it was the nasty water that had splashed up on his face. I cant even tell this story anymore. After all was said and done, $283 and a mess to clean up. I guess it could have been worse.

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